Hierarchy in the field of tension between competing expectations

Folgen der Einführung postbürokratischer Arbeitsweisen in Großorganisationen


  • Finn-Rasmus Bull
  • Judith Muster




Post-bureaucracy, hierarchy, organizational sociology, equivalence-functionalism, functional analysis


This article explores the question of what consequences of the introduction of post-bureaucratic organizing in large-scale organizations can be observed regarding the handling of hierarchy and how these can be located from an organizational sociological point of view. Our goal is to add a differentiated perspective to the often one-sidedly critical debate on the role of hierarchy in organizations, making the question of functionality the starting point of the analysis. Based on two empirical cases, such an analysis is carried out against the background of equivalence-functionalist assumptions. In doing so, we point out the problems for which formal and informal hierarchy are identified as structural solutions. Furthermore, we show which consequences result from these problem/solution constellations. It becomes clear that the realization of post-bureaucratic working methods in the cases studied is characterized by the emergence of fields of tension between competing expectation structures both at organizational interfaces and within the post-bureaucratic units. The article concludes with a short summary and outlook on possibilities for further research building on the perspective proposed here.

Author Biographies

Finn-Rasmus Bull

Finn-Rasmus Bull, M.A. Soziologie, ist Doktorand an der Fakultät für Soziologie der Universität Bielefeld (Arbeitsbereich Organisationssoziologie). Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen Postbürokratisches Organisieren und Metaorganisationen.

Judith Muster

Judith Muster, Dr., ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Organisations- und Verwaltungssoziologie der Universität Potsdam. Ihre Arbeitsschwerpunkte liegen u.a. in den Bereichen Führung, Postbürokratisches Organisieren und Digitalisierung.
072-092 34064



How to Cite

Bull, Finn-Rasmus, and Judith Muster. 2021. “Hierarchy in the Field of Tension Between Competing Expectations: Folgen Der Einführung postbürokratischer Arbeitsweisen in Großorganisationen”. Journal für Psychologie 29 (1):72-92. https://doi.org/10.30820/0942-2285-2021-1-72.