What does agility do with power?

Eine Analyse des Machtphänomens in agilen Organisationen


  • Michael W. Busch
  • Karin Link




Organizational agility, power, teams


Organizational agility has emerged as a central topic in organizational consulting practice recently. Very often agile concepts are seen as the entrepreneurial »panacea« for more flexibility, employee orientation, etc. However, the topic of power in agile contexts is hardly discussed in contemporary literature. Based on an interdisciplinary approach, this article discusses the question of what role the phenomenon of power plays in agile organizations. We thereby focus on teams, as teams play a central role in agile concepts. We show that while in classically hierarchical organizations formal power is more important than informal power, agile organizations primarily rely on the power of persuasion through informal power and democratic decision-making. Still, formal rules and hierarchy-like »final decisions« play an essential role also in agile contexts. How these formal rules and »final decisions« could best be shaped relies on the respective contextual conditions and restrictions.

Author Biographies

Michael W. Busch

Michael W. Busch, Priv.-Doz., Dr. rer. pol., wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Management & Leadership Development an der Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Grundlagen erfolgreicher Teamarbeit, Führungs- und Organisationsforschung.

Karin Link

Karin Link, Dr. rer. soc. oec., Leiterin des Instituts für Persönliche Kompetenzentwicklung an der Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Leadership, Kompetenzentwicklung, Führungs- und Organisationsforschung.
009-038 34062



How to Cite

Busch, Michael W., and Karin Link. 2021. “What Does Agility Do With Power? Eine Analyse Des Machtphänomens in Agilen Organisationen”. Journal für Psychologie 29 (1):9-38. https://doi.org/10.30820/0942-2285-2021-1-9.