Object and Reality

Paul Ferdinand Linke as an Early Pioneer of a Phenomenological Psychology


  • Uwe Wolfradt
  • Alexander Nicolai Wendt




object theory, object phenomenology, theory of perception, phenomenological psychology


Paul Ferdinand Linke (1876–1955) was a philosopher and psychologist at the University of Jena who, inspired by Bernard Bolzano, Gottlob Frege, and Franz Brentano, sought a fruitful connection between psychology and phenomenology. Linke himself worked experimentally on motion perception and developed his own theory of perception. He distinguished a phenomenological from an empirical approach: Perception, from the phenomenological perspective, is intentionally structured and is given in an act. In contrast, from the empirical perspective, persons have a dispositionally structured psychophysical organization that enables them to constitute objects of experience. Linke’s core concern was to overcome subjectivism in philosophy and here especially in Edmund Husserl’s transcendental or experiential phenomenology. Linke opposes this with his so-called object phenomenology, which proceeds ontologically and develops a different concept of experience. Linke problematizes the transcendental egology of transcendental phenomenology. In contrast, object phenomenology has a realist foundation. This article wants to trace Linke’s epistemological path in the distinction between observing and looking to a realist psychology and to discuss which significance his conception has in phenomenological psychology.

Author Biographies

Uwe Wolfradt

Uwe Wolfradt, Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Dr. phil. habil, Dipl.-Psych., ist außerplanmäßiger Professor am Institut für Psychologie der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Er wurde in Psychologie und Ethnologie promoviert. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in der Kulturpsychologie, der Werte- und Religionspsychologie und der theoretischen und historischen Psychologie.

Alexander Nicolai Wendt

Alexander Nicolai Wendt, Dr. phil., ist Habilitand am Psychologischen Institut der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg und Promovend am Philosophischen Institut der Università degli Studi di Verona. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in der Denkpsychologie, der theoretischen Psychologie und der phänomenologischen Psychologie.
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How to Cite

Wolfradt, Uwe, and Alexander Nicolai Wendt. 2023. “Object and Reality: Paul Ferdinand Linke As an Early Pioneer of a Phenomenological Psychology”. Journal für Psychologie 31 (1):151-72. https://doi.org/10.30820/0942-2285-2023-1-151.