Dealing with Emotions in Qualitative Teaching Research Projects

Occasions, Challenges and Design Possibilities


  • Ines Gottschalk
  • Christoph Stamann



teaching research projects, subjectivity, reflexivity, emotions, qualitative methods, teaching and learning qualitative methods


This article focuses on the dealing with emotions in qualitative research. The starting point is the idea that emotions are an integral part of qualitative hermeneutic processes of understanding, which can be made accessible through reflexivity. The aim of teaching qualitative research is, among other things, the socialization into a qualitative worldview and attitude. Teaching research projects are a suitable format, both for socialization and – in the course of this – for the reflexive exploration of research-related emotions on the part of the students. In our article we distinguish and systematize researchand teaching-setting-related from field-related occasions in which emotions can become relevant and challenging. At the same time, we consider design possibilities and requirements of student research and learning processes with regard to making emotions perceptible and processing them reflexively. Requirements for teachers in the design of emotion-sensitive spaces that consciously shape the diverse demands on novices are presented, as well as qualitative methodologies and methods that can be applied to the reflection of emotions.

Author Biographies

Ines Gottschalk

Ines Gottschalk, Dr., Postdoc am Lehrstuhl für Sozialtheorie und Sozialpsychologie von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Straub an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum sowie Koordinatorin des IPU-KKC-Graduiertenkollegs »Traumata und kollektive Gewalt: Artikulation, Aushandlung und Anerkennung«. Forschungs- und Lehrschwerpunkte: Kulturpsychologie, qualitative Forschung, Biografieforschung, Flucht- und Migrationsforschung, Figurationssoziologie, Engagementforschung, öffentliche Soziologie, Forschendes Lernen, Transformatives Lernen, Digitalisierung und Schreiben.

Christoph Stamann

Christoph Stamann ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Lehr-Lern-Labor »qualitativ_diskursiv_digital« (Leitung Prof. Dr. Günter Mey), Teil des von der Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre geförderten Projekts »h²d² - didaktisch und digital kompetent Lehren und Lernen« an der Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal. Zu seinen Arbeitsschwerpunkten gehören das Lehren und Lernen qualitativer Forschung, die Arbeit von und in Forschungswerkstätten sowie die Praxis qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse.
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How to Cite

Gottschalk, Ines, and Christoph Stamann. 2023. “Dealing With Emotions in Qualitative Teaching Research Projects: Occasions, Challenges and Design Possibilities”. Journal für Psychologie 31 (2):65-85.