Exploring Media Technologies with Children: Conduct of Everyday Life and Subject-Scientific Technology Research


  • Niklas A. Chimirri


conduct of everyday life, subject-scientific media research, child-technology interaction, transcontextual child research, children’s participation in social practice, material and intersubjective mediatedness of children’s actions


Complex interaction processes lie at the heart of everyday media technology usage. An investigation of the child-technology relationship thus necessitates concepts that are able to embrace both the intersubjective and the material relatedness of human everyday life. Recently, child research has increasingly discussed the conduct of everyday life concept, which emphasizes the two-sidedness of the human-world relationship, the socio-material mediatedness of everyday life as well as the directedness of human action. Consequently the concept has the potential to overcome taken-for-granted, one-sided explanations for the child-technology interaction. The article includes data material collected in a kindergarten in order to make the conduct of everyday life concept fruitful for psychologically investigating technology together with children. It underlines the importance of a precise analysis of material arrangements in specific practice relations as well as the fact that parents, pedagogues, researchers and children all actively contribute to these relations.

Author Biography

Niklas A. Chimirri

Niklas Alexander Chimirri studierte Psychologie, Medien- & Kommunikationswissenschaften sowie Politologie in Berlin, Padua und New York. Er ist Mitherausgeber des Bandes Können Marginalisierte (wi(e)der)sprechen? Zum politischen Potenzial der Sozialwissenschaften (mit M. Dege, T. Grallert & C. Dege, Psychosozial-Verlag, 2010). Derzeit ist er Doktorand im Promotionsprogramm Social Psychology of Everyday Life der Roskilde University (Dänemark). Sein Projekt erforscht die subjektive Relevanz elektronischer Medientechnologien für den Alltag von Kindergartenkindern sowie damit einhergehende politische Implikationen.



How to Cite

Chimirri, Niklas A. 2012. “Exploring Media Technologies With Children: Conduct of Everyday Life and Subject-Scientific Technology Research”. Journal für Psychologie 20 (1). https://journal-fuer-psychologie.de/article/view/113.