Dialogue and body history. Dialogical perspectives on „disability“


  • Nora Ruck


dialogue, body history, grotesque body, monstrous body, disability studies.


The paper inquires the dialogicality of the body. In particular, it explores the value of a dialogical perspective for disability studies. Within psychology, dialogical perspectives have received much attention in the field of so-called dialogical self studies. Dialogical self theory, however, lacks a coherent conceptualization of human embodied existence. Mikhail Bakhtin’s body-historical analysis of the medieval »grotesque body« provides a more fruitful starting point for the interrelation of body and dialogue for the »grotesque body« is a fundamentally dialogical body. According to Bachtin, Western modernity also a history of increasing monologization and »closure« of the body. This history can be told as a history of the »monstrous body.« By engaging with (feminist) disability studies, the paper finally explores the contemporary value of a dialogical perspective for people whose bodies do not comply with dominant monological norms of the body. It is proposed that the promise of a dialogical perspective lies in the combination of an ethical stance with the deconstruction of ontological differences between people with »ordinary« and people with »extraordinary bodies.«



How to Cite

Ruck, Nora. 2009. “Dialogue and Body History. Dialogical Perspectives on „disability“”. Journal für Psychologie 17 (2). https://journal-fuer-psychologie.de/article/view/157.