Transgenerational transmission of values within the family


  • Carolin Demuth


Narrative Identity, transgenerational transmission, autonomy and relatedness


The present article investigates trans-generational aspects of identification with and dissociation from values within the family of origin in biographical-narrative constructions of young adults. The paper specifically focuses on the dimensions autonomy and relatedness which can be considered basic human needs that are negotiated differently in diverse socio-cultural contexts. As part of a larger longitudinal study biographical-narrative interviews were conducted with 24 young adults and a typology of life stories developed. Two distinct developmental pathways shall in the following be illustrated by individual case descriptions. We discuss how the orientations expressed in these life stories can be understood as part of trans-generational transmission on the one hand, and as inseparably interwoven within the specific socio-historical and socio-cultural context in which they were produced. As a future step, we suggest to put these findings systematically in relation with the data of previous assessments of the study.

Author Biography

Carolin Demuth

Carolin Demuth ist Assistant Professor an der Aalborg Universitet, Abteilung Communication & Psychology. Ihre Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind: dialogisches Zusammenspiel von Entwicklung und Kultur, speziell im Hinblick auf diskursiven Alltagspraktiken, Diskursive und Narrative Psychologie, Qualitative Methoden.



How to Cite

Demuth, Carolin. 2013. “Transgenerational Transmission of Values Within the Family”. Journal für Psychologie 21 (2).