Employography: Liquid Identities in Times of Uncertainty


  • Martin Elbe


Organizational socialization, organizational identity, organizational culture, institution of management, resilience


In this paper the connection between various organizational identity constructions and organizational socialization is discussed. The experience of insecurity in the modern working environment by individuals and organizations leads to institutionalization of management on part of the organizations and to institutionalization of employography on part of the working individuals. This impedes the coupling of individual and organizational identity as a foundation of permanent innovation and resilience.

Author Biography

Martin Elbe

Martin Elbe, Prof. Dr., Hochschule für Gesundheit und Sport (Berlin).Arbeitsgebiete: Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie mit den Schwerpunkten: Sozialisation und Salutogenese, Gesundheit und Sport, Arbeit und Führung, Organisation und Organisationsentwicklung.



How to Cite

Elbe, Martin. 2013. “Employography: Liquid Identities in Times of Uncertainty”. Journal für Psychologie 21 (3). https://journal-fuer-psychologie.de/article/view/304.