Kitwood reconsidered: Person centeredness and nurses’ attitudes on working with persons with dementia


  • Regula Blaser Berner Fachhochschule Institut Alter Schwarztorstrasse 48 3007 Bern Prof. Dr. phil. Regula Blaser Mail: Telefon: 031 848 36 88
  • Stefanie Becker
  • Daniela Wittwer
  • Jeanne Berset


dementia, interaction, attitude, Dementia Attitudes Scale (DAS), Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB)


Current approaches hardly take the person behind the nurse, with his/her attitudes towards aging and dementia, into account as a part of the interaction with the demented person. This gap is filled by the present study conducted in Switzerland. On one hand data are collected concerning the nurses’ attitudes towards people with dementia, by using the German version of the Dementia Attitudes Scale (DAS). On the other hand the relationship between the nurses’ attitudes and their behavior towards people with dementia is studied. This is done by analyzing videotaped interaction sequences with the examination instrument ‘Structural Analysis of Social Behavior’ (SASB). Results show that the nurses’ attitudes towards people with dementia are mostly positive. Furthermore, it was noticed that the more positive the nurses’ attitudes towards dementia were, the more positive was their behavior towards people with dementia as well. Based on these findings the authors are currently developing interaction-oriented teaching concepts that aim to complement hitherto existing ones.

Author Biographies

Regula Blaser, Berner Fachhochschule Institut Alter Schwarztorstrasse 48 3007 Bern Prof. Dr. phil. Regula Blaser Mail: Telefon: 031 848 36 88

Psychologin, Dozentin Institut Alter Berner Fachhochschule, Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Demenz, Lebensqualität im Alter, Wohnen im Alter, Ältere Arbeitnehmende

Stefanie Becker

Psychologin und dipl. Gerontologin, Leiterin Institut Alter,

Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Demenz, Lebensqualität im Alter, palliative care

Daniela Wittwer

dipl. Sozialarbeiterin, Psychologin, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin,

Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Demenz, soziale Systeme, Institutionen der Langzeitpflege

Jeanne Berset

Psychologin, Wissenschaftliche Assistentin,

Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Demenz, Genderfragen in Institutionen der Langzeitpflege


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How to Cite

Blaser, Regula, Stefanie Becker, Daniela Wittwer, and Jeanne Berset. 2015. “Kitwood Reconsidered: Person Centeredness and nurses’ Attitudes on Working With Persons With Dementia”. Journal für Psychologie 23 (1).