50+ and the dream of youthful looks


  • Alexandra Grillitsch
  • Brigitte Jenull


age, aging, anti-aging, body satisfaction, age identity, clothing rules


Media images and the advances in technology underpin for many people the desire to be forever young, or respectively look youthful. The present study followed an exploratory, quantitative-qualitative design to investigate the body satisfaction and the anti-aging behaviour of women over 50 years. The results show that our participating women (N=99) feel younger almost about eleven years, however, less attractive and more dissatisfied with their own appearance compared with the normative sample. As unloved body parts our participants considered belly or waist, followed by breast, thighs, buttocks and face. Furthermore, the results point out that with increasing age, an age appropriate clothing style becomes more important. Against the background of a highly competitive society with almost bizarre ideals of age and ageing, the development and maintenance of a positive age identity is posed to be a great challenge.


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How to Cite

Grillitsch, Alexandra, and Brigitte Jenull. 2015. “50+ and the Dream of Youthful Looks”. Journal für Psychologie 23 (1). https://journal-fuer-psychologie.de/article/view/336.