„Nothing about us without us“? – Partizipative Forschung und Beteiligungsformen alter Menschen am Beispiel Großbritannien
Critical gerontology, participation, old age, Great Britain, activation of older peopleAbstract
Commonly, amongst critical gerontologists, participatory approaches in research projects and practice give rise to the hope of strengthening democracy, empowering older people and encouraging voices dissenting from the mainstream discourse. Equally, critical gerontologists have assessed the political objectives of “active ageing” programmes. Under an active aging policy, elderly people have not only the right to participate in society, but also the duty to engage actively. This article sheds light on discourses about participation of the elderly in research projects and practice in the British context from a societal perspective. In Great Britain, participatory approaches have been promoted and implemented for some time now and with much greater intensity compared with other European countries. A closer look at these developments reveals that discussions on participation have various roots, but current uses show a strong connection between participation and politics aiming to transform hitherto existing welfare models into “new welfare” in which activation plays a key role. Viewed in this light, critical assessments of existing models and participation programmes in Great Britain can be used to reconsider what has to be taken into account in other countries which are now placing emphasis on developing and implementing participatory approaches with regard to elderly people.
AK Kritische Gerontologie der DGGG – Arbeitskreis Kritische Gerontologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gerontologie und Geriatrie: Diskussionspapier Partizipation und partizipative Methoden in der Gerontologie. Unveröffentlichtes Manuskript.
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