Reflexive Counseling in a Society of Reflexive Modernization: Theoretical Conceptualization and Illustration related to Practice


  • Anita Pachner


reflexivity, (self‑)reflection, reflexive modernization, counseling, adult education


Abstract:The article addresses the question of the meaning of reflexive counseling in a society of reflexive modernization. It does so by examining theoretical findings in sociology and reflexive social psychology for a diagnosis of times of reflexive modernization. Systems theory and systemic-constructivist pedagogy provide definitions concerning the constructs of reflexivity and reflection. In this connection, the practical area of counseling and especially of counseling in continuing adult education is illuminated. Finally, the results of the theoretical analysis are complemented by the point of view of continuing education practitioners. This is accomplished by introducing initial results of a study which reconstructs reflexivity and reflection in a grounded manner from the statements of practitioners of adult education with an emphasis on counseling. The article reveals that counseling has an important supportive function in a society that is increasingly characterized by individualization and uncertainty, and that reflexivity and reflection are crucial conditions for learning and change.

Author Biography

Anita Pachner

Dr. phil., vertritt im Wintersemester 2014/15 die Professur für Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Erwachsenenbildung, lebenslanges und selbstgesteuertes Lernen, Lerntagebuch/Portfolio, Selbstreflexionskompetenz, empirische Bildungsforschung, interkulturelle Erwachsenenpädagogik



How to Cite

Pachner, Anita. 2014. “Reflexive Counseling in a Society of Reflexive Modernization: Theoretical Conceptualization and Illustration Related to Practice”. Journal für Psychologie 22 (2).