Critical men’s studies: (therapeutic) men’s groups and their contribution to the construction of masculinity


  • Sebastian Lehofer


Men’s groups, integrative therapy, critical men’s studies, male socialization, gender identity


Which relevance do (therapeutic) men’s groups have and what opportunities, dangers and limitations do they offer in relation to the construction of masculinity and the development of male gender identity? It reveals that hierarchies and power relations among men have a special relevance when it comes to the formation of masculinity. The study focuses on therapeutic men’s groups and – in further consequence – on the question of how they can contribute to a change of traditional masculinity and the development of gender equality.

Author Biography

Sebastian Lehofer

Mag. (FH), MSc. Ich bin Sozialarbeiter und Psychotherapeut und leite seit vier Jahren therapeutische Männergruppen in Graz. Ich bin Mitarbeiter in einer psychosozialen Beratungsstelle, Psychotherapeut in freier Praxis und Vorsitzender des STLP (Steirischer Landesverband für Psychotherapie.



How to Cite

Lehofer, Sebastian. 2017. “Critical men’s Studies: (therapeutic) men’s Groups and Their Contribution to the Construction of Masculinity”. Journal für Psychologie 25 (2).