Three sides of a coin. Men’s work in the field of gender politics under the perspective of gender equality


  • Elli Scambor
  • Romeo Bissuti


Profeminist Men‘s Work, Gender Dialogue, Antifeminism, Masculinity Studies and Practice, Men’s Counselling, Intersectional Work with Men


The attitudes toward genderpolitics in the field of men’s initiatives and men’s groups in Austria have different and sometimes conflicting focal points. There are approaches that represent a genderdemocratic mission, which are mostly found in instutionalized men’s initiatives, but there is also the men’s and father’s rights movement, focussing on men primarily as ›victims of feminism‹. Finally some men’s initiation groups are active as well, working with an mythopetic and individualized framework. There has been a lack of scientific research and knowledge in Austria especially concerning the men’s and father’s rights movement. In 2014 an expert paper was published, which concentrated on gender equality positionings of men’s initiatives and men’s groups in Austria. In reference to the model of Messner (2000) it took a critical view on the practice in these fields, analysed different antifeminist arguments and made fact checks about topics, which were raised by antifeminists. In reference to the expert paper this article follows the question in which ways profeminist approaches of men’s initiatives differ from those who represent an antifeminist approach. It also discusses important conditions for equality-oriented dialogues and alliances in the field of gender work, which focuses on the increase of gender equality, stands against constricting positions and allows a gender balanced work with men. Models of good practice are outlined, that represent such gender democratic approaches.

Author Biographies

Elli Scambor

Scambor, Elli, Mag.a, Soziologin, Geschäftsleiterin im Institut für Männer- und Geschlechterforschung (VMG Steiermark). Lektorin (Uni Graz, Med. Uni Graz, FH Kärnten). Men & Gender Equality, Caring Masculinities, Männerarbeit, Gewaltresilienz.

Romeo Bissuti

Bissuti, Romeo, Mag., Klinischer und Gesundheitspsychologe, Psychotherapeut, Mitarbeiter der Wiener Männerberatung, Obmann White Ribbon Österreich, Leitung des MEN Männergesundheitszentrums. Burschenarbeit, intersektionale Männerarbeit, Männerberatung, Gewaltprävention, Männergesundheit, Kritische Psychologie.



How to Cite

Scambor, Elli, and Romeo Bissuti. 2017. “Three Sides of a Coin. Men’s Work in the Field of Gender Politics under the Perspective of Gender Equality”. Journal für Psychologie 25 (2).