Switching as reconciliation activity by fathers


  • Stefan Paulus


Labour Psychology, Delocalization/Dislimitation, Compatibility, Subjective Perception of Working Demands and Work Pressures


This article deals with the subjective perception of the workload by fathers. The focus of this article lies on the compatibility operations in the context of the everyday life by fathers and their representation of coping strategies in dealing with compatibility problems through the so-called "switching" action. «Switching” means the short-term change between labour and care work – on the action level as well as on the level of thought. The act of switching was analysed with psychological questionnaires and group interviews. The goal of this article will be the representation of coping strategies by fathers and their dealing with the dislimitated and overlapping time and action demands of labour and care work. This includes the explanation of switching as the expression of time need which walks along with hectic, multi-tasking, mind wandering as well as the feeling of getting rushed.

Author Biography

Stefan Paulus

Stefan Paulus, Diplom Soz.Arb., M.A., Dr. rer.pol., lehrt und forscht an der FHS St. Gallen. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte liegen in der Arbeits-, Geschlechter- und Gouvernementalitätsforschung.E-Mail: 



How to Cite

Paulus, Stefan. 2017. “Switching As Reconciliation Activity by Fathers”. Journal für Psychologie 25 (2). https://journal-fuer-psychologie.de/article/view/447.