Das Verhältnis von Macht, Geschlecht und (Dis-)Ability in der Forschung


  • Dagmar Kubanski
  • Stephanie Goeke




participatory research, power, ableism, intersectionality, gender, empowerment


Participatory research is not consistently discussed in the context of the debate of participation in the authors’ opinion. Rights under the »Bundesteilhabegesetz« [The Social Security Code IX: Rehabiliation and Participation of Disabled People] conceal invisible power dynamics that may show up in a lack of recognition or appreciation. In the »Aktionsbündnis Teilhabeforschung« [Alliance of People: Participation research] individuals as well as organizations from different social sectors and research areas have committed themselves to pursue the goal of developing a new field of research. The contribution addresses the question of power, on the one hand in its acts of violence and on the other as positively connotated creative power, which is particularly denied to socially disadvantaged people. Looking at the conception of ableism and especially to women, men and transpersons with disabilities, the construction of reality and truth and their attributions of meaning are considered. Power, symbolic violence and gender are important categories for analysis to make invisible strategies, techniques and promises visible. A delineation of the different participatory research approaches should provide an introduction to the debate of an involvement of people with disabilities in research processes. It is illustrated by exemplary examples that participatory research is based on emancipatory and empowering processes and an intersectional approach is needed.

Author Biographies

Dagmar Kubanski

Dagmar Kubanski, Dr. phil., ist als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Studiengang Bachelor of Nursing an der Evangelischen Hochschule Berlin tätig. Sie ist Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe Partizipative Teilhabeforschung & Forschungsmethoden im Aktionsbündnis Teilhabeforschung, und Mitglied des Präsidiums des Berliner Behinderten- und Rehabilitationssportverbandes e.V. (Bereich: Bildung).

Stephanie Goeke

Stephanie Goeke, Dr. phil., arbeitet als Referentin im Caritasverband der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart e.V. und ist nebenberuflich in Praxisentwicklungsforschung, Hochschullehre und Projektberatung tätig.



How to Cite

Kubanski, Dagmar, and Stephanie Goeke. 2018. “Das Verhältnis Von Macht, Geschlecht Und (Dis-)Ability in Der Forschung”. Journal für Psychologie 26 (2):95-113. https://doi.org/10.30820/8248.06.