Teaching with/out the F-Word


  • Sabine Klinger
  • Daniela Jauk
  • Nicole Pruckermayr




Autoethnografie, feministische Pädagogik, Lehre, Interdisziplinarität, Geschlechterforschung


In this paper the interdisciplinary team of authors analyzes a series of autoethnographic trialogues addressing feminist pedagogy, respectively teaching within and beyond gender studies environments. The authors find common ground in their search for a feminist stance in teaching and educational practices which may work with or without making the concept of feminism(s) explicit. The conversations evolved against the backdrop of the diverse disciplinary backgrounds of the authors and the universal experience by the authors that the mere mention of the word feminism(s) (the F-Word) evokes resistance among different actors (students, funders, etc.) in the field of education. We contextualize our experiences within the framework of »rhetorical modernization« (Wetterer 2003) and the »new gender contract« (McRobbie 2010) which both denote a re-traditionalization of gender discourses. Keeping in mind these contemporary developments we discuss if feminist teaching and research is necessary, and if it might be a legitimate strategy to avoid the F-Word and act more subversively. It is not our goal in this paper to present feminist research and teaching as a canon or part of a canon; instead we have developed an awareness in our trialogues that science is historically constructed along axes of inequality. Because of this fact it is particularly important to intervene in this ongoing social production. With and without the F-Word.

Author Biographies

Sabine Klinger

Sabine Klinger, Mag.a phil., Dr.in phil., M.A., ist Universitätsassistentin am Institut für Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaft der Universität Graz. Ihre Arbeitsschwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen Diversität und Intersektionalität, geschlechterreflektierende Sozialpädagogik, Digitalisierung und Soziale Arbeit, Geschlechterforschung, und interpretativ-rekonstruktive Sozialforschung.

Daniela Jauk

Daniela Jauk, Ph.D. ist assistant professor am Department for Sociology and Department of Criminal Justice and der University of Akron, Ohio. Sie forscht und lehrt in den Bereichen Geschlechterforschung, Kriminalsoziologie, und qualitative Sozialforschungsmethoden.

Nicole Pruckermayr

Nicole Pruckermayr, DIin Dr.in, ist freischaffende Künstlerin, Theoretikerin, Kuratorin, Forstarbeiterin und Mutter. Bevorzugt arbeitet und denkt sie mit sozialen sowie physischen Räumen/Orten, den handelnden Menschen/menschlichen Körpern, ihren Geschlechtern und Bedürfnissen. Ein besonderes Interesse gilt Handlungsfähigkeiten auf verschiedensten Ebenen.



How to Cite

Klinger, Sabine, Daniela Jauk, and Nicole Pruckermayr. 2019. “Teaching With Out the F-Word”. Journal für Psychologie 27 (1):30-50. https://doi.org/10.30820/0942-2285-2019-1-30.