Writing as a Force of Destruction


  • Regina Dürig




creative writing, autoethnography, artistic research, practice-based research, writing as a method of inquiry


When or in which circumstances is creative writing a method of inquiry? I’m striving to answer this question from a writer’s perspective by creating a space of reflection with two theoretical texts which are important for my thinking and writing – »From Science to Literature« by Roland Barthes and »The Creative Process« by James Baldwin – and excerpts of my yet unpublished manuscript, which circles around different forms of assault (and can be read as autoethnography). What I do is, firstly, giving an overview over those aspects and arguments in the debate of artistic research which are especially relevant for creative writers and, secondly, show and elaborate on the difference between a writing with language and writing within language. I suggest, alluding to Luce Irigaray, to think of the beginning of writing as a silence, an omitted utterance, as a pure presence or potential, to allow the second word to be aware of all the concealed mechanisms which have to be questioned.

Author Biography

Regina Dürig

Regina Dürig ist Autorin, Performerin und Dozentin für Literarisches Schreiben an der Hochschule der Künste Bern. Sie schreibt Kinderbücher, Jugendromane und Hörspiele und ist, mit einer künstlerischen Dissertation zur Altphilologin Alice Kober, PhD-Candidate an der University Plymouth, UK.



How to Cite

Dürig, Regina. 2020. “Writing As a Force of Destruction”. Journal für Psychologie 28 (1):15-45. https://doi.org/10.30820/0942-2285-2020-1-15.