Ego-State-Therapie in der Psychotraumatologie


  • Reiner Seibold


Complexity theory, dissociation, ego state, trauma therapy, integration, parts of the self


Psychic trauma often results in a dissociative splitting of the self in combination with the development of autonomic parts of personality. However, development of personality (imprinting) or encounter with significant others (introjections) make up parts of personality that have been described by C G Jung as so-called complexes, later on by John and Helen Watkins as ego states too. Ego-state theory is based on a multi-centric self, which can be fragmented as a result of trauma. Ego-state therapy tries to integrate the different parts of personality in an inner team by building-up a respectful correlation and by cross-linking them with each other. In many cases, this allows not only a stabilisation of traumatised patients, but also coping with trauma in the interrelation to and between ego states in a sensible way. Ego-state therapy is outlined with the help of case studies. Key words: Complexity theory, dissociation, ego state, trauma therapy, integration, parts of the self

Author Biography

Reiner Seibold

Klinische und Gesundheitspsychologin, Arbeitspsychologin, Psychodrama-Psychotherapeutin, Supervisorin, EMDR- und Trauma-Behandlerin; freie Praxis für Psychologische Diagnostik, Behandlung und Psychotherapie, Lehrtätigkeit an der Med.-Univ. Graz. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Trauma, Essstörungen, Gender in Psychologie und Psychotherapie



How to Cite

Seibold, Reiner. 2011. “Ego-State-Therapie in Der Psychotraumatologie”. Journal für Psychologie 19 (3).