Dancing out of Trauma - Psychotraumatherapy with EMDR in Motion and conscious dance


  • Romana Tripolt


Psychotraumtherapy, neurobiology, resource orientation, conscious movement, conscious dance, EMDR in Motion


This paper introduces a psychotraumatherapeutic approach including conscious movement and dance. The procedure is based on neurobiological findings about behavioral patterns in relationships and defines implications for movement orientated therapeutic interventions. How the body can be installed as the main resource in the stabilization phase, how to interrupt dissociation during reprocessing and how to provide a smooth and effective therapeutic process is demonstrated. The combination of EMDR and conscious movement is shortly presented. The approach is illustrated by two case studies.Key words: Psychotraumtherapy, neurobiology, resource orientation, conscious movement, conscious dance, EMDR in Motion



How to Cite

Tripolt, Romana. 2011. “Dancing Out of Trauma - Psychotraumatherapy With EMDR in Motion and Conscious Dance”. Journal für Psychologie 19 (3). https://journal-fuer-psychologie.de/article/view/96.