»Languages are unstable and disordered systems«

Observations of a Linguist on Karl Bühler’s Theory of Language


  • Federico Albano Leoni




Segmental phonology, physiognomics, Gestalt, deictic field, pertinence, poverty of stimulus, language game


The paper proposes a reading of Bühler’s Sprachtheorie from a linguistic point of view. Attention is paid to some yet actual and not fully exploited topics: a) the critic of the segmental phonological model; b) the physiognomical model, the Gestalt point of view in the representation of the sound shape of language and a new view on pertinence; c) the theory of two fields and the cooperation between the symbolic field and the deictic one; d) the critic of the principle of the »poverty of the stimulus«; e) the role of the listener; f) the notion of »language game«.

Author Biography

Federico Albano Leoni

Federico Albano Leoni, ist ordentlicher Professor für Sprachwissenschaften an den Universitäten zu Neapel (Federico II, 1975–2005) und Rom (Sapienza 2005–2011), emeritiert. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind: Vergleichende und allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Phonologie, gesprochene Sprache, Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaften.
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How to Cite

Leoni, Federico Albano. 2021. “»Languages Are Unstable and Disordered systems«: Observations of a Linguist on Karl Bühler’s Theory of Language”. Journal für Psychologie 29 (2):120-38. https://doi.org/10.30820/0942-2285-2021-2-120.