Dream narration and ego identity


  • Anke Werani




narration, ego identity, psycholinguistics, psychoanalysis, language activity


This article examines the extent to which dream narratives have a special function in the formation of ego identity. The answer to this question is based on a connection of cultural-historical psycholinguistic and psychoanalytical perspectives. To begin with, the importance of narratives for the formation of ego identity is discussed by pointing out that narratives form an interface between external, communicative and internal, self-directed speech processes as well as in the transition from unconscious to conscious processes. Dream narration and their unique access to the unconscious are examined. The special nature of dream narration in relation to narratives of real experiences and narratives of thoughts result in a continuum of different narrative qualities. Dream narratives, due to their more direct access to the unconscious, have their own significance for the formation of ego identity.

Author Biography

Anke Werani

Anke Werani, Prof. Dr., lehrt und forscht als Psycholinguistin am Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Sie befasst sich mit sprachlicher Tätigkeit im Spannungsfeld zwischen soziokulturellen und psychologischen Prozessen. Forschungsschwerpunkt ist die Erforschung des kommunikativen Sprechens und des inneren Sprechens, insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit der Ausbildung verschiedener Sprech- und Denkstile und deren Verknüpfung mit der Ich-Identität.

How to Cite

Werani, Anke. 2024. “Dream Narration and Ego Identity”. Journal für Psychologie 32 (2):23-41. https://doi.org/10.30820/0942-2285-2024-2-23.