Racist Heteronormativity – Heteronormative Racism


  • Zülfukar Çetin


Racism, heteronormativity, intersectionality, discrimination, Islam, queer, migration


Tracing the significance of discrimination for power politics, this contribution clearly demonstrates that in the case of homophobia the power-political context is heteronormativity and the normalization processes resulting from it. By analyzing interviews, the paper shows how closely discrimination is connected to the power of discourse. Identity politics, strategies of essentialization, marginalization and differentiation signify an economic power aimed at normalization by constructing «the Other,” i. e. the deviant, the marginal, the alien, etc. The focus of this contribution is mainly on the experiences of those interviewed with homophobia, institutional, structural and culturalist racisms, as well as with discrimination on the basis of social status.

Author Biography

Zülfukar Çetin

Dr. Zülfukar Çetin hat an der Freien Universität bei Prof. Dr. Helgard Kramer und Prof. Dr. Klaus- Jürgen Bruder promoviert. Zurzeit lehrt er an der Alice-Salomon-Hochschule und an der Evangelischen Hochschule Berlin zu Themen Intersektionalität, (Antimuslimischer) Rassismus, Queer Theorie und Bewegung, Kritische Migrationsforschung sowie Methoden der qualitativen Sozialforschung.



How to Cite

Çetin, Zülfukar. 2013. “Racist Heteronormativity – Heteronormative Racism”. Journal für Psychologie 21 (1). https://journal-fuer-psychologie.de/article/view/260.