»The desire to nail jelly to the wall.« - The necessity to tolerate diffusity and uncertainty in the frame of low-threshold counselling


  • Barbara Bräutigam
  • Matthias Müller


low-threshold counselling, reflexive counselling, family-based-work, skills, training


In the reflexive modern societies uncertainties and unknowing regarding the suitable path for change are special characteristics of counselling. The aspects are especially important in the context of low-threshold, family based counselling. Against this background, we try to clarify how reflexive counselling should look. Based on research results and examples from practice, we describe the skills and competencies necessary for counsellors. Finally, we suggest a model of reflection and training for professionals.

Author Biographies

Barbara Bräutigam

Prof. Dr. phil. habil., Dipl. psych., psychologische Psychotherapeutin, systemische Familien-, integrative Kinder- und Jugendlichentherapeutin. Supervisorin (DGSv) und Lehrtherapeutin für systemische Familientherapie (DGSF). Professorin für Psychologie und Jugendarbeit an der Hochschule Neubrandenburg.

Matthias Müller

Prof. Dr., Diplom-Sozialarbeiter/-Sozialpädagoge, Soziologe (Dr. phil.), Case Manager/ Case-Management-Ausbilder (DGCC), Dialogischer Qualitätsentwickler (KK). Professor für Pädagogik, Sozialpädagogik und Hilfen zur Erziehung an der Hochschule Neubrandenburg.



How to Cite

Bräutigam, Barbara, and Matthias Müller. 2014. “»The Desire to Nail Jelly to the wall.« - The Necessity to Tolerate Diffusity and Uncertainty in the Frame of Low-Threshold Counselling”. Journal für Psychologie 22 (2). https://journal-fuer-psychologie.de/article/view/356.