The exhausted self of psychology


  • Heiner Keupp


Professionalization, Psychosocial practice, Criticism of profession, Social conditions in actual modernism, Neoliberal image of the subject, Psychosocial resources


Currently, there is an inflationary involvement with the subject Burnout, which has reached almost all professional groups and the private worlds in the global capitalism. It is clear that the helping professions are ranked at the top of exhaustion. Is it enough to recommend more "self-care" or "mindfulness"? There remains ultimately the need to contextualize the psychosocial work in a broader social frame and to work on overcoming the increasing "social blindness" or "social amnesia" of the current psychology. The whole PSY guild has been stopped in its triumphal march since the '80s. The utopian energies are also considered more and more exhausted in the course of neoliberal globalization and the psychosocial Professions are in the general social crisis mode. The psychology is affected by the social changes in an elementary way. The critical reflection began only gradually and it must be continued and intensified. Just fatigue symptoms of PSY-professionals, requiring an analysis of the conditions of their occurence.

Author Biography

Heiner Keupp

Heiner Keupp, Prof. Dr., Dipl.-Psych., von 1978–2008 Hochschullehrer für Sozial- und Gemeindepsychologie an der Universität München; seit 2001 Gastprofessur an der Universität Bozen. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Reflexive Sozialpsychologie; soziale Netzwerke; Identitätsforschung; Gesundheitsförderung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen; sexualisierte Gewalt in kirchlichen und pädagogischen Institutionen.



How to Cite

Keupp, Heiner. 2016. “The Exhausted Self of Psychology”. Journal für Psychologie 24 (2).