Precarious fairness? Solidaric perspectives from an NPO management point of view


  • Romeo Bissuti


Solidarity, precarious work, mens work, Non Profit Organisation, management tasks


This article is about the solidaric perspectives from an NPO management point of view. The reflection includes the frame conditions in social and health work at one side, and relates this at the other side to the term of solidarity as developped by Ulf Tranov. The forms and possibilities of solidaric action are discussed along the experiences oft he author, who works in the field of psycholocigal mens counseling and health work. The potential of solidarity is seen in areas like cooperation in gender issues, handling of temporary project work programs, or how to deal with under- or unpayed work on neccessary NPO structures. In this reflection, it becomes quite clear, that beside some forms effective practices, a broader social change is needed, for influencing and solving structural given conflicts, even when doing the best from a solidaric point of view.

Author Biography

Romeo Bissuti

Klinischer und Gesundheitspsychologe, Psychotherapeut. Lebt und arbeitet in Wien. Mitarbeiter der Wiener Männerberatung, White Ribbon Österreich, MEN Männergesundheitszentrum.



How to Cite

Bissuti, Romeo. 2016. “Precarious Fairness? Solidaric Perspectives from an NPO Management Point of View”. Journal für Psychologie 24 (2).