Shame - (not) a topic for men*counseling


  • Dominik Kling



shame, gender studies, men*work, men’s* counseling, research on counseling


In the context of the practice of and development of theories for men’s counseling, the relationship between shame and masculinity(s) has not been adequately recognized so far, although the emotion-theoretical potency of shame and embarrassment for maintaining and enforcing (hegemonic) notions of masculinity, but also their transformation potential, appear to be highly relevant. This text would like to draw attention to this and provide impulse for the theory and practice of men’s counseling. For this purpose, the discourse on shame and an understanding of men’s counseling will be briefly outlined. Following this, the link between male* socialization, subjectification and its management as well as invocations of masculinity(s) in the context of shame and embarrassment as well as their processing will be discussed. Based on this, the implications on counseling, the potential but also the barriers for counselors and clients, as well as reflection aspects for counselor’ shame awareness and expertise will be analyzed.

Author Biography

Dominik Kling

Dominik Kling,Sozialpädagoge M.A., arbeitet als systemischer Coach, Berater, Paartherapeut und Supervisor (DGSF) mit Schwerpunkt Männer*beratung in eigener Praxis sowie an der Jungen*fachstelle goja in München. Er promoviert berufsbegleitend an der Universität Hildesheim zum Thema »Umgang mit Scham in der Männer*beratung«.

How to Cite

Kling, Dominik. 2024. “Shame - (not) a Topic for men*counseling”. Journal für Psychologie 32 (1):140-58.