Vol. 29 No. 2 (2021): Karl Bühler revisited


In September 1922, Karl Bühler is appointed as professor of philosophy »with particular regard to psychology and experimental pedagogics« at the University of Vienna and becomes the founding figure of a new Psychological Department that quickly evolves into one of the most productive places of psychological research of the 1930ies. It is in Vienna that he writes his three best-known monographies: Crisis of Psychology (1927), Theory of Expression (1933), and Theory of Language (1934).

The present issue of the Journal für Psychologie is devoted to this creative period in Bühler’s life, but not from a primarily historical perspective. Rather, the aim is to review some of the then prevalent controversies, which linger on until today – but often in ignorance of earlier deliberations. Some of them are taken up in this issue by authors from various disciplines and are re-considered in the light of Bühler’s theoretical perspective.

With contributions by Federico Albano Leoni, Gerhard Benetka, Marie-Cécile Bertau, Clemens Knobloch, Ralph Sichler, Thomas Slunecko, Stefan Volke und Frank Vonk

Published: 2021-12-08

Full Issue